Wooden toys are the best choice for your child. Find out why…

When buying toys for your kids, you’ll probably be drawn to the most beautiful and the most expensive, while neglecting classic wooden toys. It’s time to pay more attention to them.

Runnin your handover a well-made, solid wooden object is a wonderful feeling, and kids seem to understand this better than anyone given that wooden toys haven’t gone out of fashion for centuries. They’re still gladly seen in homes, playrooms and schools around the world. Wooden toys are enjoying a newfound popularity as parents wistfully remember their own childhoods while choosing toys for their kids, and consumers are generally returning to traditional toys to balance the use of sophisticated toys and gadgets of the digital age.

Although wooden toys don’t get the same treatment as the plastic toys and gagets we constantly see in ads, there is a number of reasons why they’re actually better.

They’re better for the environment

Wooden toys are a more environmentally friendly option than plastic toys. As an organic, renewable substance, wooden toys are biodigradable and can be recycled. Parents prefer to buy wooden toys because they know that some plastic toys that can be found on the market are of dubious origin and do not belong to those approved for use by children. With wooden toys you can be sure that they do not contain any dangerous substances.

They can be inherited

Wooden toys are more durable, nigh indestructible. Almost every parent has asked themselves in their lifetime why they keep buying new toys. The answer is that kids can easily destroy those made of plastic and with that, they’re at a double loss – they gave money for something that soon becomes unusable. Besides, children often outgrow toys or they become bored with them, so plastic toys soon end up in the trash and become part of the global plastic problem. Worn-out wooden toys can be easily restored with a coating based on adapted vegetable oils that are not harmful to children, and then they can be given to another child or kept if you’re planning to have more children of your own.

They’re an excellent learning tool

In 1976, psychologist Lawrence Mestyanek noticed that there was a lack of educational toys which could help children with learning disabilities. He sought to change this by constructing a number of special wooden toys in his garage and since then we have increasingly realized that wooden toys possess a number of educational qualities. Some classic wooden toys include puzzles, blocks, or miniature construction kits that can help children with arithmetic, literacy, motor skills, and problem solving. Children’s imagination grows when they play with things that have no obvious purpose or are disposable.

They encourage social interaction

Playing video games, no matter how inviting and fun it can seem, can often be a very lonely activity. Wooden toys can encourage interaction with other children and promote sharing and teamwork. They are naturally devoid of sound production and do not have a button to run them, thus allowing children to use their own voices while playing and collaborate with each other to play. Some modern toys with electronic and interactive capabilities don’t leave much room for play because they do everything instead of the child. On the other hand, the simplicity of wood allows them to build their own imaginary worlds and, as a result, can help develop spatian and social awareness.

Author: GREEN.HR