Scrap wood planters

Planters made from scrap wood are a useful, sustainable addition to your garden or terrace. Belinka’s ambassadors, Maja and Malin, who create under the FORESTONE DESIGN brand, give advice on how to make this practical accessory for growing flowers or plants.

To make planters from scrap wood you will need:

  • old worn-out planks,
  • a sander,
  • protective gloves,
  • a tape measure and pencil,
  • a hand or machine saw,
  • screws,
  • an impact drill,
  • waterproof material or a nylon bag,
  • soil,
  • paintbrush and the Lasur thin-layer woodstain.

Method for making planters from scrap wood

Plan the whole wooden planks first, then sand them and remove dirt. Use the hand or machine saw to cut them to the desired dimensions for the planned planter.

Sand the cuts and, if desired, round the corners (by milling or sanding – either by hand or by machine). Once all the wooden planks are ready, assemble them one by one using the screws.

Once the planter is assembled, all you have to do is protect the wood. Use the paintbrush to apply the Lasur thin-layer woodstain so that the wood grain remains visible, and the surface has a slight matt finish. Lasur will provide UV and weather protection.

For the best possible protection of the wood, apply it at least two or three times, bearing in mind that each following coat can be applied as early as 24 hours later, or when the previous coat is completely dry.

The optimal temperature for coating and drying is between 15 and 25 °C. The drying time increases significantly with decresing temperature and it is also longer at higher relative humidity. The colourless Lasur is not suitable for the protection of outdoor wood.

Once the planter is completely dry, place the waterproof material or the nylon bag on the inside, fill it with soil and plant anything you like. 

📺 Watch the video instructions for making planters from scrap wood