Raised garden bed from scrap woooden pallets

Reusing scrap wooden pallets is environmentally friendly and they can also be made into useful items that will serve us for a long time to come. One such article is a raised garden bed made of scrap wooden pallets, which is an excellent solution for small gardens. Moreover, the height of the raised bed ensures better exposure to the sun, greater safety from pests and prevents any excess water retention in the soil. Springtime is here, so quickly roll up your sleeves.

To make a raised bed from scrap wooden pallets you will need:

  • 4 scrap pallets,
  • a tape measure and pencil,
  • a handsaw or electric saw,
  • sandpaper or a sander,
  • pliers for pulling nails,
  • screws,
  • nails and a hammer,
  • a power drill,
  • a paintbrush,
  • protective foil for the inside of the pallets,
  • protection film against pests or stainless steel mesh,
  • Base wood impregnation coating and
  • Lasur woodstain.

Method of making a raised bed from scrap wooden pallets:

First select some suitable pallets with boards that have roughly the same measurements. Dismantle them, using a large hammer or metal lever if needed, and remove the nails from all the boards with a hammer and pliers.

Cut the boards down to the appropriate size. In our case, we cut them into boards measuring 8×100 cm and 8×70 cm.

Now work the boards with sandpaper or a sander until the wood is clean.

As the next step, apply Base protective impregnation to all sides of the boards. This will safeguard the wood from any fungi, particularly wood-decay fungi, and insects. Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

When the coat of protective impregnation is completely dry, paint the wooden boards with 3 coats of Lasur low build woodstain, which protects wood from weathering effects while giving it colour and enhancing its surface. The woodstain, available in 19 colour shades, should be stirred well before use and applied undiluted using a paintbrush for wood. In normal conditions (20 °C, 65% relative air humidity) the woodstain is dry in 24 hours. 

The next day or when the coating is dry, it is time for assembly. Build the frame of the raised bed by fastening the boards together with screws.

When the raised bed construction is finished, apply the third and last coat of Lasur low build woodstain to its exterior.

The last step of preparing the raised bed is to add appropriate protection. First cover the bottom of the bed with a protective mesh against voles or an inox mesh that will serve as an additional safeguard against pests. From the inside, protect the raised bed with foil to prevent the wood from decay due to direct contact with soil. After setting up the basic construction of the raised bed from scrap pallets, it is time to fill it up with soil and plant your preferred vegetables.