Make an environmentally friendly compost bin out of waste wood

More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of recycling and living a sustainable lifestyle, a part of which is composting. Follow the instructions to make a compost bin out of waste wood and help preserve the environment.

To make a compost bin out of old wood you will need:

  • old wooden boards or waste wood,
  • paper and pencil,
  • sandpaper and sander,
  • a cloth for wiping dirt,
  • screws, power drill and screwdriver,
  • measuring tape,
  • saw,
  • roller and paintbrush,
  • Belinka coatings for wood.

How to make a compost bin out of old wood

Before you start working, it is important that you ensure your safety by using appropriate protective equipment. Don’t forget to use protective gloves, goggles and a mask.

First determine the dimensions of the compost bin, which doesn’t depend only on the available space but also on the amount of bio-waste you want to compost.

Then check if the old wooden boards or other waste wood are still suitable for reuse. The wood should be hard, dry, free from any wood pests and not decaying. Then remove any nails, screws or other metal parts. If needed, clean the wooden surface with sandpaper, then remove dust particles with a wiping cloth for dirt.

When the wood is ready, start sawing and adjust the wooden boards to the desired dimensions of the compost bin. It should be no more than one and a half meters high, as the individual layers can become too heavy and affect the aeration and moisture content of the compost.

Then assemble the boards into a rectangular base structure and attach the side walls using screws and a screwdriver. While making the side walls make sure to leave a few centimeters of space between each line.

As the compost bin will be placed outdoors, you need to protect it properly. Use a coating that will protect the wood from moisture, UV rays and wear. First use a paintbrush to apply Belinka Base, a colourless liquid impregnation coat which protects the wood against blue stain, insects and fungi, contains state-of-the-art biocides, and improves the adhesion of finishes. The drying time depends on the type, temperature and humidity of the wood as well as the quantity of Base that the wood has absorbed. Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

After 24 hours be sure to apply a finishing coat using Belinka Lasur, a thin-layer woodstain which protects the wood from the effects of weathering and UV rays, while at the same time creating a barrier to keep biocides inside the wood and prevent them from coming in contact with the surrounding environment. It is available in 20 standard colour tones, which allows you to chose a shade you like. It is used to protect outdoor parts when wishing to keep the structure of wood visible after coating and achieve a slight matt appearance of the surface.

After one year, recoat the compost bin with one topcoat of Lasur. This will repair any mechanical or weather damage to the coating or damage that occurs in wood (cracks) and micro-cracks on the coating. This significantly extends the service life of the coating and the wood. Check the coating every year and repair any mechanical damage. If the coating deteriorates too much, you can do a complete restoration.

Making a wooden compost bin out of old wood is an excellent way to reuse waste materials and adopt more sustainable habits. Remember that composting is good for garden soil, as it provides nutrients for plants and promotes biodiversity. You will give your plants a rich and healthy environment to grow in and at the same time contribute to sustainable waste management.