Make a garden sofa from scrap wooden pallets

Do you love DIY projects and having one-of-a-kind furniture in your home? If you have some scrap wooden pallets on hand and want to create a useful and attractive piece of furniture, you’ve come to the right place. This time, our idea is to make a garden sofa from scrap wooden pallets that provide an environmentally friendly alternative.

To make a garden sofa from scrap wooden pallets, you will need:

  • wooden pallets,
  • paper and pencil,
  • sandpaper and sander,
  • screws, power drill and screwdriver,
  • measuring tape,
  • saw,
  • roller and paintbrush,
  • cushions for comfort and
  • Belinka coatings for wood.

How to make a garden sofa from scrap wooden pallets

Before cutting and putting together the wooden pallets, carefully measure the space on the balcony or patio for your sofa. Here, a sketch can be helpful. Draw the length, width and height of your new piece of outdoor furniture. The wooden pallets should ideally be of the same length. Saw them to the appropriate size if needed. Next, clean the wood of all dirt and, if necessary, sand it.

Prepare the base of your sofa by placing two to three pallets (as preferred) on top of each other. Once you’re happy with the height and arrangement, screw them together. If you’re a skilful DIY master, you can also make a drawer that goes under the seat of the sofa. First, work out the dimensions of the drawer, taking into account the thickness of the wooden boards that will make its sides.

Use a saw to cut the wooden boards to the right size. You will need four equally long boards for the drawer sides and one board of the corresponding length and width for the bottom. Set one side on a level surface and fasten another side to it at a right angle. Use screws to fasten the boards together. Repeat this step for all the remaining sides until you have assembled the frame of the drawer. Once the frame is assembled, place the board for the bottom of the drawer inside it. Make sure it fits properly and then screw it to the sides. Cut out a hole that allows you to pull out the drawer, or add decorative furniture handles instead. Next, carefully sand all the edges and surfaces of the drawer to remove any sharp edges or rough surfaces. Now you can start painting the wooden surfaces.

First, use a paintbrush to apply Belinka Impregnant Active, a colourless impregnation coating that offers basic, preventive protection of wood. It contains state-of-the-art biocides to protect wood exposed to the weather factors and moisture against biological pests – blue stain, fungi and insects. Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

After 24 hours, apply the Belinka Exterier water-based woodstain which has no unpleasant odour, protects and enhances the wood, is available in 9 standards colour tones (a number of other colour hues can also be achieved by mixing two or more basic colours) and accentuates the wood grain with a silky sheen. The high-performing ingredients of Exterier ensure maximum protection of wood, safeguarding it from harmful UV rays, moisture and other external factors in the environment. The woodstain also contains a film preservative which protects the surface from fungi and algae attacks.

Once the sofa is finished, you can add decorative cushions or blankets for greater comfort. However, make sure they are suitable for outdoor use to avoid any damage from moisture. This unique piece of furniture will add interest to your patio or balcony and give it a natural feel. Play around with colours and upholstery so that the sofa reflects your personal taste.

Enjoy making and using your new sustainable wooden sofa.