Belocid Plus Belocid Plus is a colourless liquid agent, produced on the basis of water and the most modern biocides, which effectively removes pests. treats infected wood destroys putrefactive fungi and insects preventive action contains the most advanced biocides Belocid Plus is used when wood has not been previously protected or in cases when wood fungi and insects have appeared. We recommend using Belocid Plus also when wood protection has not been reapplied for a long time. The method of using Belocid Plus depends on the type of pest. If wood has been attacked by large wood-boring insects, as can be seen by oval cavities 8-10 mm in diameter, the heavily attacked parts of the wood should be hewn, removed and burnt. Belocid Plus should also be applied to adjacent wood parts that do not appear to have been attacked. When wood has been attacked by other smaller insects, it usually cannot be hewn because the holes or tunnels created by larvae are interconnected throughout the whole wood cross-section. In this case the wood should be thoroughly impregnated with Belocid Plus. If wood fungus appears, we recommend you consult with one of Belinka’s experts as any repair treatment carried out is much more complex. Warning Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Share UseTechnical data Informative calculation of consumption Material safety data sheets Technical documentation Mix before use. Apply with a brush, immersion or flow coating. The drying time of Belodic plus depends on the type, temperature and humidity of wood, on air humidity and the quantity of the product used. With long-term dipping or injection into the wood openings, Belocid Plus penetrates deep into the wood, so the drying time can take as much as two to three weeks. In such conditions, Belton or Beltop can be applied after three days of drying. Water (Tophybrid, Exterier, Interier, Exterier primer, Exterier email) and top coats can be applied once the surface is completely dry. In this case, the drying time can be up to three weeks. When Belocid Plus is applied only superficially, all woodstain coatings can be applied after 24 hours. Adequate ventilation must be provided during coating and drying. Clean tools with water and soap. Composition: the most advanced biocides, water and additives Application: with a brush, immersion or pouring Coverage: 1 l for 3-5 m2 of wood (depending on the degree of wood attack or decay) Drying time: 3-6 days Tool cleaning: with water and soap Storage: in original sealed packaging at a temperature below 30° C, separate from foodstuffs and fodder, out of reach of children. Must not freeze. Packaging: 0.75 l, 2.5 l, 5 l, 10 l Surface area 0.25 m2 Consumption l in one application The calculation is informative. Material safety data sheets Technical data Use Technical data Informative calculation of consumption Material safety data sheets Technical documentation Mix before use. Apply with a brush, immersion or flow coating. The drying time of Belodic plus depends on the type, temperature and humidity of wood, on air humidity and the quantity of the product used. With long-term dipping or injection into the wood openings, Belocid Plus penetrates deep into the wood, so the drying time can take as much as two to three weeks. In such conditions, Belton or Beltop can be applied after three days of drying. Water (Tophybrid, Exterier, Interier, Exterier primer, Exterier email) and top coats can be applied once the surface is completely dry. In this case, the drying time can be up to three weeks. When Belocid Plus is applied only superficially, all woodstain coatings can be applied after 24 hours. Adequate ventilation must be provided during coating and drying. Clean tools with water and soap. Composition: the most advanced biocides, water and additives Application: with a brush, immersion or pouring Coverage: 1 l for 3-5 m2 of wood (depending on the degree of wood attack or decay) Drying time: 3-6 days Tool cleaning: with water and soap Storage: in original sealed packaging at a temperature below 30° C, separate from foodstuffs and fodder, out of reach of children. Must not freeze. Packaging: 0.75 l, 2.5 l, 5 l, 10 l Surface area 0.25 m2 Consumption l in one application The calculation is informative. Material safety data sheets Technical data Other products in this category Base preventive wood protection against blueing, insects and fungi contains the most advanced biocides improves the adhesive quality of finish coatings ... Impregnant Active Impregnation for all types of wood Protects against insects, wood rot and bluestain Contains the most advanced biocides Has no unpleasant smell ...