Protection of the teaching apiary of the Beekeeping Society

27. May 2022

Belinka has been cooperating with the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association (ČZS) and indirectly with local beekeeping societies for years. We share similar values:  ​​promoting a positive attitude towards nature, connecting people with nature, and responsibility to the environment and nature. Our common goal is to provide bee families in Slovenia a favorable environment for their life and reproduction.

This spring, Belinka joined the Anton Žnideršič Beekeeping Society from Ilirska Bistrica, founded in 1907. The Beekeeping Society strives for the highest quality education of beekeepers and the public about beekeeping and the importance of maintaining interest in it. To this end, the Beekeeping Association organizes numerous lectures and practical workshops, which are held in the beekeeping center and in the training apiary, which was set up earlier this year. The installation of a training apiary will enable additional and in-depth training of beekeepers from both, the nearby and wider region.

Belinka donated a water-based stain Interier to the Anton Žnideršič Beekeeping Society for the protection of wooden parts of the apiary. It does not have an unpleasant or disturbing odour, protects the wood from various mechanical influences, and refines it. Water-based stain Interier has been tested according to the EN 71-3 standard and has a certificate that it is suitable for coating children’s toys, and it can even be used to coat beehives.

Within this collaboration, Belinka uses the bee symbol to make the public, and especially children, aware of the importance of protecting our natural environment.