Belinka’s History

The beginnings of Belinka go back to 1948 when the first plant for the production of hydrogen peroxide was built in Slovenia. Belinka has grown year on year and also expanded to foreign markets. The original part of Belinka, which still produces peroxide compounds, was eventually named Belinka Perkemija.

In the 1960s, the successful expansion of Belinka continued in other fields and customer segments, with the manufacturing of wood coatings for general consumer applications. This period was characterized by a fruitful license agreement with the leading manufacturer of wood coatings at that time, the Danish Sadolin. In the mid 80s, Belinka started the production of wood coatings, employing in-house technology and under its own brand name. The company that nowadays produces and markets Belinka wood coatings is called KANSAI HELIOS Slovenija d.o.o.

In 2007 Belinka, and thus Belinka Belles, became a member of the Helios Group. As part of the Group, in 2014, it became part of the majority ownership of the RIH Coating Group. In 2017, Kansai Paint, one of the ten largest global coating companies, became the owner of the entire Helios Group.

To date, Belinka has developed numerous products for comprehensive wood protection and emphasizing its natural beauty. A wide range of products, intended primarily for end users, is offered. Through the decades of its operations, Belinka has become a synonym for wood protection.